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03-26-13 Municipal Operations Cmte
Bob Merola, Chair
Dan Amaral, Vice Chair
Phil Carroll
Joe Girgasky
Dan Honan
Paul Lundquist

Legislative Council Municipal Operations Committee
Meeting Minutes for March 26, 2013

  • Roll Call – Committee Members Present: Mr. Amaral, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Girgasky, Mr. Honan,
                    Mr. Lundquist, Mr. Merola
                    Others Present: Mr. Capeci, ex officio
                     Meeting called to order at 7:07 PM.

  • Voter Comments – None
  • Acceptance of Minutes: 2/19/2013
  Amended to reflect attendees present. Those present at the 2/19/2013 meeting were: Mr. Amaral, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Lundquist, Mr. Merola  and Mr. Capeci. Motion to accept amended minutes by Mr. Carroll, Seconded by Mr. Lundquist; Mr. Girgasky and Mr. Honan abstained. Unanimously accepted by remainder of committee.   

  • Discussion and possible action on Municipal Operations 2013-2014 Budget. Budget areas related to Municipal Operations are: General Government, Public Safety, Public Works, Health and Welfare, Land Use and Recreation & Leisure.
   After discussion of answers to questions submitted to First Selectman, no action was taken.
    Responses to follow on questions submitted to First Selectman will be discussed before action
    is taken.

  • Voter Comments - None
  • Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Girgasky, seconded by Mr. Carroll.                                          Unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM.    
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Merola, Chair